Monday, October 26, 2009


Quick stop in Sydney for a weekend with the crew there before heading back to New Zealand. Pics of the City, Bondi, Lunch with Rickie on Google's roof. Sydney's a beautiful city, I can see myself moving back there in a couple of years....


Dubai, one of the only places I've visited that I didn't love. I couldn't figure it out, the biggest this and longest that. All dollars and no sense! The city is scattered, not pedestrian friendly and lacks the soul or cultural identity that makes the Middle East so special. Two days here was plenty.


The Wadi Rum desert, Sothern Jordan

Me standing at the top of Petra, the

Bedouin mother and daughter

Treasury at Petra

Bedouin herder admiring the sunset

Sunset in Wadi Rum

The Dead Sea

Sunset over the West Bank



Thursday, October 01, 2009

Chacha's wedding, Normandy